Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Winter Wonderland

You can actually see the designs of the snowflakes

Back of my house

The Church

Next to the Church

Just outside our village

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Trip to England, Except one Mistake

Ok. I know some of you guys (friends) have been waiting on this blog about my trip to England. The reason why I have taken so long is because I left my pictures in England.

We, (mom, dad, and I) , came back home from our fantastic trip. Ready to write my blog! I got my hard-drive out, stuck it in the USB port, logged-in to my blog site, started typing................."where are all my pictures?" I asked myself in a questionable voice.

Oh dear.

I cut the pictures to my grandpa's hard-drive. Cutting a file takes the WHOLE file from its first place, and where ever you paste it; it is no longer in its original place but somewhere else. Well that is exactly what I did. Cut my pictures from my hard-drive, and pasted it into my grandpa's hard-drive.

So, I told my grandpa what happened. He said he would send me a disc with all my pictures of England.

Couple days later....I GOT IT YIPPEE!!! 5 months later: Um still no blog! HELLO?!

I do apologize. I WILL try to get it up before my next big trip!

P.S. the date on the top is messed up, but I actually wrote this in July. I just didn't post it.