Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oreo Part 1

Oreo is our German cat who is afraid of dogs, eats my mom's plants, loves to be in boxes that can be closed, chases moths and eats them, takes our yarn and make unbelievable knots, sleeps between our legs at night, lays on my desk and my mom's, and has really sharp claws.

Here she is sniffing my camera while I was taking a picture of her.

We saw Oreo in our town while walking up the street to our house, on top of our neighbors house. She was sooo cute! She still is!

My mom and I kept asking my dad, " Aaaww their so cute, can we get a kitty, please?!" My dad finally agreed to our pleas. So we went to go pick our kitty (hopefully the black and white one that we saw on the roof). We couldn't find her!! She was hiding under the coach. "I want that one daddy. Can we get that one?"

A name, a name, what are we to name her?? Tuvac, from the Star Trek series? He has pointy ears like a cat. nnoooo.....Oreo! That's it Oreo, because she has a round white spot on her back.

You can see the round spot just behind her head and before her shoulder. If you can't see need glasses! Just kidding (jk)!!

Like I said before, she really likes to lay on our desks during homeschool. Here are some pictures of her doing so....

Oreo is attacking the lenses of my camera

1 comment:

  1. Me, Zae, and Eli are all sitting here chuckling at this post! Sooo CUTE! Zae says, "Oreo looks curious." Yes, I think so, too. My favorite part is the first paragraph in which you list all Oreo's idiosyncracies. (And if you don't know what that word means, look it up! smile.)
